Bedbugs are insects that exclusively feed off blood, and tend to prefer human blood. Their preferred habitats are beds, as this guarantees them a nearby food source. They can sneak into our suitcases when we go travelling, and therefore move from hotels to our homes.
Over the years, they were almost made extinct with the use of pesticides, but some become resistant. And that is why bedbugs are back!
PREVENTION: With a full mattress cover, bedbugs that manage to reach the bedroom will be restricted to the outside of the mattress, making them easier to detect and eradicate.
PROTECTION: When a mattress is already infested with bedbugs, the cover allows you to encapsulate them, ensuring they cannot bite the user.
Will any cover work? Make sure it is CERTIFIED.
Will a certified cover compromise the comfort of my mattress? Yes, it will. However, we have found the SOLUTION!
We present our covers with the new patented BUG SECURE® (EP15380006) anti-bedbug closure. They provide full protection without losing the comfort and unique properties of our fabrics and mattress covers.